Why Video is critical to your online presence

Video is essential to your business's digital imageThere are many factors that go into building a strong online presence for your business. Written content and photography are vital to any brand or business's online presence, yet a great video can be what really takes your marketing to the next level. It seems the world is moving at a faster pace and that people would rather watch a 3-minute video than read a few paragraphs of text. Video allows the viewer to kick back, relax, and enjoy without having to do any reading.

A video can live on your website or social media platforms and be there 24/7 for your customers and prospects to view. Video can give your audience a glance into your company and show them exactly what you do at any time. A prospect who is cross country can take a tour of your facility, learn about your skill sets, and learn why they need to do business with you before even seeing your facility in person.

The saying a picture is “worth a thousand words” translates to a one-minute video worth 1.8 billion words. Research has shown that over 46 percent of people who watch a video will take action after watching it. That should be reason enough to add videos into your marketing strategy. There are multiple reasons beyond that as to why video is essential.

  1. Showcase your business and brand. People spend more time online than they ever have before. While this might be convenient when you can order a product and receive it within 2 days, it translates to less facetime for businesses with customers. The relationships that used to be essential in earning someone's business could now be cut out by a quick Google search. While that can seem daunting to both a business and its sales team, instead it should be looked at as a way to reposition itself. Video conveys emotion through what you show as well as what you hear. A professional video can help visitors see exactly what you do and what you stand for. If they like what they see, that can be what builds trust with new customers, and gives them the reason to continue to come back.
  2. Be different from the pack. While video is essential, not every business has one nor will they. Video should be one of the most important aspects of your marketing and it's only going to grow in importance. With that being said, get one sooner rather than later. Every business says they are the best company. They highlight their quality, lead time, standards, etc., yet very few actually show it. Video can differentiate you from the pack and leave your customers with a favorable first impression before they even meet you.
  3. Rank better on Google. Google ranking is exactly what it sounds like. Searching engines rank results based on a variety of factors, but their major goal is to show the best of the best in their results. A major portion of ranking is the time a viewer is on your website. The idea is if Google sees viewers spending a lot of time on your site, it assumes that you must have quality content and be a better site than one with less dwell time. Having a short compelling video that highlights all you don can not only serve to grow your customer base, but also will have viewers spending more time on your site. More dwell time results in higher ranking, and higher ranking can reach more people, resulting in more dwell time.

Video seemingly is only growing in popularity and importance to a business's strategy. It isn’t going away and can only further promote your business if done correctly. A professional video can only further grow your business and customer base, so the question is - Do you have one yet?

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